How and who we help
The Trust makes several types of awards to eligible candidates. These awards usually take the form of:
- A discretionary grant to individuals who are seeking to pursue a qualification in higher education, usually paid over a number of years and subject to evidence of their continued study.
- A discretionary grant for people who have a particular sporting or artistic talent, this type of award is intended to help them realise their ambitions and full potential.
- A discretionary grant awarded through the Special Access Funding can help applicants with support such as with specialist equipment or technical support for those needing an extra helping hand in allowing them to achieve their optimum potential in life.
The key qualification for all applicants is that they must provide evidence that they have a close family member who works or who previously worked within the UK rail freight industry. Close family members are defined as being a parent, step-parent, grandparent, spouse, partner or civil partner. Applications are also considered from individuals who are or were employed directly in the UK rail freight industry.
The Trust will not make awards for professional development which the Trustees consider may be funded by an employer and will not support any person applying for a sporting or artistic grant where the person is engaged in those activities in a paid professional basis.
Further information is on the Eligibility Criteria page.
The UK rail freight industry includes current and past UK rail freight operators and those individuals who have a direct employment line within the UK rail freight industry.