No, you or your parent, step-parent, grandparent, spouse, partner or civil partner must work or have worked within the UK rail freight industry.
Yes, applicants need to provide supporting evidence, including evidence of the close family member’s employment in the UK rail freight industry, (this must be demonstrated by a copy of a payslip, pension document or contract of employment) and depending on the type of application they make other evidence such as exam results, evidence of enrolment on educational courses, and of the costs they will incur in order for the Grant Committee to make awards. The application forms make it clear what is required.
You should use the Educational funding form.
If you are competing at a high level (not professional) the Trust would welcome an application using the Sports and Arts funding form. It should be noted that the Trust doesn’t normally consider applications where the activity could be described as a hobby. The sporting category relates to amateur activity that could lead to representational level participation or similar.
The Trust are hoping that this form will be used for individuals who need assistance to achieve their fullest potential where challenges arise from a disability, a special educational need or other special circumstances which may normally limit them in achieving their optimum potential. This could be a person who is not in higher education but has a route to allow them to enhance their overall life capabilities. Individuals with Special Access requirements who are in higher education should use the Education form.
This depends on the merits of each individual application, the number of applications the trust receives, and the Trust’s available funds. The Trustees, whilst also having budget limits to work within, make awards on the merits and basis of the details of each case presented to them.
For English students www.gov.uk/student-finance
For Scottish students www.saas.gov.uk
For Welsh students www.studentfinancewales.co.uk
For Northern Irish students www.studentfinanceni.co.uk
Applications are considered by the Grant Committee and the dates they meet are decided each year. The next deadline for applications is shown on this website’s home page, the meeting usually takes place within a month of the deadline and payments approved are processed very soon after each meeting.
The administrator of the Trust will contact you, usually via a message sent through your application dashboard, to let you know the outcome of your application. To ensure you receive the message alert email add ” noreply@ewseducationaltrust.co.uk ” to your address book.
No, awards depend on the costs to be incurred and the quality of the application.
Successful applicants will receive a cheque from the Educational Trust on the anniversary date for each of the years that an award has been made.
In most circumstances yes, the Trust will expect to receive confirmation each year that the applicant is continuing with their chosen activity. For example, university students will be expected to provide evidence that they are continuing with their chosen degree.
The Trust will not authorise any ongoing payments if additional corroboratory evidence is requested but not provided.
If the grant has been paid for the year in question you may be asked to repay some or all of the grant.
The Trust will consider more than one application from an individual but usually not for the same level of education within 3 years.
Yes, though the Trust will not generally make awards if they consider the application is for professional development costs (e.g. MBAs, professional accountancy or legal exams).
No, there are no age limits for awards or to be considered as a potential beneficiary.
Yes, the Trust can make a conditional award but this will be subject to proof that you have started your chosen course.
No, individual awards are not publicised by the Trust. However, the Trust may ask successful applicants if we can use their testimonials to promote the Trust in our web site or other promotional materials.
The Grant Committee will consider an Educational application if you are doing vocational training. However, it will require to be clear in the application of the costs that are covered by the employer. Please note, the Trust will not generally make awards if they consider the application is for professional development costs.