Encouraging talent… Unlocking potential

Are you on the path to developing something for the greater good? Do you have educational aspirations? Maybe a sporting or creative talent? Perhaps a special need?
The EWS Educational Trust may be able to help you achieve your goals.

By offering you a financial grant, providing you meet certain criteria.
To qualify you must have a close relative who works or used to work in the UK rail freight industry.

Application deadline
If you are applying for an Educational Award for the year 2024/25, a Sporting and Artistic Grant or a Special Access Grant, the application deadline is 31 August 2024.

Please note that the Eligibility Criteria have been updated and can be viewed in full here.

The deadline for applying for an Educational Award with a course starting in 2024/25 academic session is 31 August 2024.
Please contact us using the contact tab above.
NB if you apply after the closing date your application will not be considered until the following academic session.

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Sure, if you have a close family member who works or who used to work in UK rail freight industry.

Yellow train

What kind of help can I get?

Financial help!

The Trust awards discretionary grants, not loans, to help with the cost of higher education and more. Maybe you need support to reach your sporting or artistic goals. Perhaps you face challenges due to a disability or special educational need.

We can help!

Guitar man and a woman
Guitar man and a woman

Educational Funding

If you qualify we could provide support towards the cost of being in higher education.


Sporting OR artistic funding

If you are skilled in the arts or sport but need help to achieve your potential the Trust has the option to award a grant to help with things such as the cost of equipment, fees, specialist training or materials.

Tennis player
Artist, musician and sportswoman

Special Access funding

Some people face barriers to achieving their full potential from an early age because of a disability, special educational need or other circumstances. The Trust may award a discretionary grant to help overcome these barriers.

Grandpa and Child

How do I apply?

Simple – just fill in one of the appropriate forms. There are three – one for educational funding, one for sports and arts and one for special access funding. You can start the application process here. You will need a number of supporting documents. You can save your application at any time and return to finish it later.

Register and Apply here